
sharing is caring

Tuesday morning, we were given the assignment to go out into b-town and evangelize. This was a tough assignment for me, because I was very uncomfortable and I’m not one to strike up conversations, it just doesn’t come naturally for me.

                The plan was to go into a coffee shop or store and find someone and just get to know them. Hopefully, I would get the chance to ask them about God and who they thought Jesus was. I wanted to share with someone the gospel and God’s great love for us.

                My friend and I walked into McDonald’s that morning and decided to approach people one on one. I decided to approach a couple and try to get to know who they were. But when I asked them if I could ask them a few questions for school, they asked what school, and shot me down. I mean, how discouraging was that?! I brushed it off, as we left to go somewhere else, but it took what little confidence I had.

                We later walked into Books-A-Million and hoped to engage in conversation with someone there. Walking through the isles, I asked God to show me what I was doing wrong and why it was so hard for me to do this. He showed me I was putting my confidence in myself and not in Him. I made that day about me and what I wanted to do, and not about what the Lord wanted to do through me. I ran into a few friends from class and was encouraged by one of them to just take this day as a lesson. A lesson to be more aware of others, anywhere I go, and to be less self-involved that next time I walk into a coffee shop or wherever the day takes me.

                I want to be more focused on others, to share the gospel where I go, not just because it’s been assigned, but because it’s a natural outflow of my heart.


this never gets old…

                This week we got to hear from Chad Hampsch teach on the book of Romans. This week was really encouraging because I have always held Romans as one of my favorite books, without having the full understanding of the meanings and contexts. And while I have yet to understand all of it, I can grasp a lot more of what I’m reading when I read Romans.

                When going through Romans, I grasp that God wants us to live in the reality that the righteousness of God is revealed through Jesus Christ. We truly can’t do enough to earn God’s favor, and it doesn’t get clearer in Romans. But not only that, Paul goes to Rome in confidence of his purpose from God, and it is to preach to gospel, that salvation comes from faith, not from works, for Jew and Gentile.

                The Jews were God’s chosen people from the beginning, and in the Old Testament, righteousness could only be attained by works of the Law. But now, Christ has comes to abolish the Law, giving freely righteousness to those who believe, not only for the Jews, but the Gentiles , meaning salvation is for all, there is no distinction.

                Romans 1:16 is one of my favorite verses in the beginning of this book, because Paul it clearly sets the platform to which we should live by. Paul says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” This is to boldness I need to have when I proclaim the good news of the gospel, that I am not ashamed of it, for by it, I received salvation. And it’s a reminder that we as believers will be shamed for the gospel, but we need not be ashamed of it. There’s a huge difference in that, and the result is a true heart change for how we approach those who do not know the gospel.

                If we stick to this truth, that by the power of God, there is salvation to those who believe, then it’s undeniable that only through faith can we enter into righteousness. Salvation does not come from our own power or works, but by His power and our faith, nothing more and nothing less. Romans 3:23-25, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a protitation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed.” If there is one passage of Romans that should never be overlooked is this one, because it perfectly describes the state of our condition without God, and though undeserving, Jesus took on our sins and gave us righteousness. This is so incredible because through the work of Jesus, we have done no wrong; that’s how God sees us, because He passed over our sin when Jesus took them upon Himself. Praise God!

                I hope that this word would encourage you as much as it has encouraged me. I’ve read this verse hundreds of times, but no matter how many more times, I am being more and more aware of the exponential love that God has for us.
